yutingye.public AT
Research Interests
Physics-based simulation and motion control, hand manipulation, motion planning, motion retargeting, optimal control algorithms, numerical optimization, dimension and model reduction, performance capture, machine learning.
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Ph.D. 08/2007 - 12/2011
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA M.CS. 09/2004 - 06/2006
Peking University, Beijing, China B.S. 09/2000 - 07/2004
• German Barquero, Nadine Bertsch, Manoj Kumar Marram Reddy, Carlos Chacon, Filippo Arcadu, Ferran Rigual, Nicky (Sijia) He, Cristina Palmero, Sergio Escalera, Yuting Ye, Robin Kips. 2025. "From Sparse Signal to Smooth Motion: Real-Time Motion Generation with Rolling Prediction Models". The IEEC/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR).
• Fangzhou Hong, Vladimir Guzov, Hyo Jin Kim, Yuting Ye, Richard Newcombe, Ziwei Liu, Lingni Ma. 2025. "EgoLM: Multi-Modal Language Model of Egocentric Motions". The IEEC/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR).
• Vladimir Guzov†, Yifeng Jiang†, Fangzhou Hong, Gerard Pons-Moll, Richard Newcombe, C. Karen Liu, Yuting Ye, Lingni Ma. 2025. "HMD^2: Environment-aware Motion Generation from Single Egocentric Head-Mounted Device". International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV).
• Lingni Ma, Yuting Ye, Fangzhou Hong, Vladimir Guzov, Yifeng Jiang, Rowan Postyeni, Luis Pesqueira, Alexander Gamino, Vijay Baiyya, Hyo Jin Kim, Kevin Bailey, David Soriano Fosas, C. Karen Liu, Ziwei Liu, Jakob Engel, Renzo De Nardi, Richard Newcombe. 2024. "Nymeria: A Massive Collection of Multimodal Egocentric Daily Motion in the Wild". European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV).
• Sebastian Starke, Paul Starke, Nicky (Sijia) He, Taku Komura, Yuting Ye. 2024. "Categorical Codebook Matching for Embodied Character Controllers". ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH North America).
• Peizhuo Li, Sebastian Starke, Yuting Ye, Olga Sorkine-Hornung. 2024. "WalkTheDog: Cross-Morphology Motion Alignment via Phase Manifolds". SIGGRAPH North America Conference.
• Dong-Seok Yang, Jiho Kang, Lingni Ma, Joseph Greer, Yuting Ye, Sung-Hee Lee. 2024. "DivaTrack: Diverse Motions and Bodies from Acceleration-enhanced Three-point Trackers". Eurographics (honorable mention).
• Yifeng Jiang, Jungdam Won, Yuting Ye, C. Karen Liu. 2023. "DROP: Dynamic Responses from Human Motion Prior and Projective Dynamics". SIGGRAPH Asia Conference.
• Deok-Kyeong Jang, Yuting Ye, Jungdam Won, Sung-Hee Lee. 2023. "MOCHA: Real-Time Motion Characterization via Context Matching". SIGGRAPH Asia Conference.
• Mingyi Shi, Sebastian Starke, Yuting Ye, Taku Komura, Jungdam Won. 2023. "PhaseMP: Robust 3D Pose Estimation via Phase-conditioned Human Motion Prior". International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).
• Daniele Reda, Jungdam Won, Yuting Ye, Michiel van de Panne, Alexander W. Winkler. 2023. "Physics-based Motion Retargeting from Sparse Inputs". SCA'23: Symposium on Computer Animation.
• Yunbo Zhang, Deepak Gopinach, Yuting Ye, Jessica Hodgins, Greg Turk, Jungdam Won. 2023. "Simulation and Retargeting of Complex Multi-Character Interactions". SIGGRAPH North America Conference.
• Sunmin Lee, Sebastian Starke, Yuting Ye, Jungdam Won, Alexander W. Winkler. 2023. "QuestEnvSim: Environment-Aware Simulated Motion Tracking from Sparse Sensor Input". SIGGRAPH North America Conference.
• Alex Adkins, Aline Normoyle, Lorraine Lin, Yun Sun, Yuting Ye, Max Di Luca, Sophie Jörg. 2023. "How important are Detailed Hand Motions for Communication for a Virtual Character Through the Lense of Charades?" ACM Trans. Graph. (TOG).
• Yunbo Zhang, Alex Clegg, Sehoon Ha, Greg Turk, Yuting Ye. 2023. "Learning to Transfer In-Hand Manipulations Using a Greedy Shape Curriculum". Eurographics.
• Qi Feng, Kun He, He Wen, Cem Keskin, Yuting Ye. 2023. "Rethinking the Data Annotation Process for Multi-view 3D Pose Estimation with Active Learning and Self-Training". WACV.
• Alexander W. Winkler, Jungdam Won, Yuting Ye. 2022. "QuestSim: Human Motion Tracking From Sparse Sensors With Simulated Avatars". SIGGRAPH Asia Conference.
• Yifeng Jiang, Yuting Ye, Deepak Gopinath, Jungdam Won, Alexander W. Winkler, C. Karen Liu. 2022. "Transformer Inertial Poser: Real-time Human Motion Reconstruction From Sparse IMUs With Simultaneous Terrain Generation". SIGGRAPH Asia Conference.
• Alex Adkins, Lorraine Lin, Aline Normoyle, Ryan Canales, Yuting Ye, Sophie Jörg. 2021. "Evaluating Grasping Visualizations and Control Modes in a VR Game". ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 18(4), Article 19.
• He Zhang, Yuting Ye, Takaaki Shiratori, Taku Komura. 2021. "ManipNet: Neural Manipulation Synthesis With a Hand-Object Spatial Representation". ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH North America) 40(4), Article 121.
• Yi Zhou, Chenglei Wu, Zimo Li, Chen Cao, Yuting Ye, Jason Saragih, Hao Li, Yaser Sheikh. 2020. "Fully Convolutional Mesh Autoencoder using Efficient Spatially Varying Kernels". NeurIPS.
• Shangchen Han, Beibei Liu, Randi Cabezas, Christopher D Twigg, Peizhao Zhang, Jeff Petkau, Tsz-Ho Yu, Chun-Jung Tai, Muzaffer Akbay, Zheng Wang, Asaf Nitzan, Gang Dong, Yuting Ye, Lingling Tao, Chengde Wan, Robert Wang. 2020. "MEgATrack: monochrome egocentric articulated hand-tracking for virtual reality". ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH North America) 39(4), Article 87.
• Sophie Jörg, Yuting Ye, Michael Neff, Franziska Mueller, Victor Zordan. 2020. "Virtual Hands in VR: Motion Capture, Synthesis, and Perception". ACM SIGGRAPH North America Courses, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Courses.
• Julian Habekost, Takaaki Shiratori, Yuting Ye, Taku Komura. 2020. "Learning 3D Global Human Motion Estimation from Unpaired, Disjoint Datasets". British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC).
• Yikang Li, Chris Twigg, Yuting Ye, Lingling Tao, Xiaogang Wang. 2019. "Disentangling Pose From Appearance in Monochrome Hand Images". ICCV Workshop.
• Ryan Canales, Aline Normoyle, Yu Sun, Yuting Ye, Massimiliano Di Luca, Sophie Jörg. 2019. "Virtual Grasping Feedback and Virtual Hand Ownership". ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP).
• Lorraine Lin, Aline Normoyle, Alex Adkins, Yun Sun, Andrew Robb, Yuting Ye, Max Di Luca, Sophie Jörg. 2019. "The Effect of Hand Size and Interaction Modality on the Virtual Hand Illusion". IEEE VR Conference.
• Abhronil Sengupta, Yuting Ye, Robert Wang, Chiao Liu, Kaushik Roy. 2019. "Going Deeper in Spiking Neural Networks: VGG and Residual Architectures". Frontiers in Neuroscience 13:95.
• Shangchen Han, Beibei Liu, Robert Wang, Yuting Ye, Chris D. Twigg, Kenrick Kin. 2018. "Online Optical Marker-based Hand Tracking With Deep Labels". ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH North America) 37(4), Article 166.
• Jeongseok Lee, Michael X. Grey, Sehoon Ha, Tobias Kunz, Sumit Jain, Yuting Ye, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa, Mike Stilman, C. Karen Liu. 2018. "DART: Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit". Journal of Open Source Software 3(22).
• Daniel Zimmermann, Stelian Coros, Yuting Ye, Bob Sumner, Markus Gross. 2015. "Hierarchical Planning and Control for Complex Motor Tasks". SCA'15: Symposium on Computer Animation.
• Stéphane Grabli, Kevin Sprout, Yuting Ye. 2015. "Feature-Based Texture Stretch Compensation for 3D Meshes". ACM SIGGRAPH North America Talks.
• Rachel Rose, Yuting Ye. 2015. "Multi-resolution Geometric Transfer for Jurassic World". ACM SIGGRAPH North America Talks.
• Hao Li, Jihun Yu, Yuting Ye, Chris Bregler. 2013. "Realtime Facial Animation with On-the-fly Correctives". ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH North America) 32(4), Article 42.
• Kiran Bhat, Rony Goldenthal, Yuting Ye, Ronald Mallet, Michael Koperwas. 2013. "High Fidelity Facial Animation Capturing and Retargeting With Contours". SCA '13: Symposium on Computer Animation, pp. 7-14.
• Sehoon Ha, Yuting Ye, C. Karen Liu. 2012. "Falling and Landing Motion Control for Character Animation". ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia) 31(6), Article 155.
• Yuting Ye, C. Karen Liu. 2012. "Synthesis of Detailed Hand Manipulations Using Contact Sampling". ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH North America) 31(4), Article 41.
• Yuting Ye, C. Karen Liu. 2010. "Optimal feedback control for character animation using an abstract model". ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH North America) 29(4), Article 74.
• Yuting Ye, C. Karen Liu. 2010. "Synthesis of responsive motions using a dynamic model". Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics) 29(2), pp.555--562.
• Sumit Jain, Yuting Ye, C. Karen Liu. 2009. "Optimization-based interactive motion synthesis". ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 28(1), Article 10.
• Yuting Ye, C. Karen Liu. 2008. "Animating responsive characters with dynamic constraints in near-unactuated coordinates". ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia) 27(5), Article 112.
• Sumit Jain, Yuting Ye, C. Karen Liu. 2007. "Optimization-based interactive motion synthesis". ACM SIGGRAPH Sketches.
• "Hand calibration using single depth camera", with Chris Twigg and Robert Wang. US10803616B1, 2020.
• "Passive object tracking using camera", with Po-Chen Wu, Shangchen Han, Chris Twigg, and Robert Wang. US10719953B1, 2020.
• "Hand tracking using a passive camera system", with Shangchen Han, Chris Twigg, and Robert Wang. US10706584B1, 2020.
• "Animation data transfer between geometric models and associated animation models", with Rachel Rose and Scott Jones. US9858700B2, 2018.
• "Facial animation models", with Kiran Bhat, Rony Goldenthal, Ronald Mallet, and Michael Koperwas. US9747716B1, 2017.
• "Real-time performance capture with on-the-fly correctives", with Hao Li, Jihun Yu, and Chris Bregler. US9317954B2, 2016.
Professional Services
• Associate editor for TOG 2022 - present.
• Program chair for SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Briefs and Posters 2025.
• PhD Thesis committee: Dr. Yifeng Jiang (Stanford), Dr. Yunbo Zhang (Gatech), 2024.
• Program co-chair for SCA 2023; Awards program committee for SCA 2022, 2021.
• Papers committee for SIGGRAPH 2025, 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019; SIGGRAPH Asia 2023, 2021; SCA 2024, 2022, 2021, 2016, 2015, 2014; MIG 2024, 2023; CASA 2017 - 2021.
• Committee for SIGGRAPH Asia Courses 2024, 2018; SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Communications and Posters 2024, 2019.
• Journal paper reviewer for ACM Transactions on Graphics, TVCG, Computer Graphics Forum, Computer Animation and Virtual World.
• Conference paper reviewer for SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, CHI, Eurographics, Pacific Graphics, Computer Graphics International.
• Evaluation committee for Graphics Replicability Stamp Initiative 2020 - 2024.
• Editor of the technical papers trailer video for SIGGRAPH 2008.
Languages and frameworks: C/C++, Python, PyTorch.
Platforms: Mac OSX, Linux, Windows.